Nutrition for Digestion
and Gut Health
Integrative Dietitian Nutritionists
in Santa Monica, California & New York
A healthy gut is the foundation for building long-lasting wellness.
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Bloating, tummy pain and gas
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Headache or migraine
- Skin irritations
- Fatigue
- Sleep problems
- Random events brought on by food
It's time to be free and enjoy eating again.
Prepare to repair your gut health
Free your energy
Get your energy back and get rid of unwanted food-related symptoms.
Free your spirit
Reconnect with yourself and your body. Learn to trust yourself again.
Free your life
Get out and enjoy all life has to offer without digestive problems holding you back.
Understanding why you get uncomfortable symptoms when you eat is so much more than just looking at the food we eat.
- Functional nutrition laboratory results let us know what’s going on inside with nutrient deficiencies or excesses.
- Health history and conditions highlight what may be affecting your health.
- Using natural remedies, food, herbs and supplements to get your body back into balance.
How we help you calm your digestion and rebuild your health:
What you eat
How you eat
- I was at my wit's end - feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and like I had no control over the situation

Hi, I’m Ilene
Gut health is complex and one-size nutrition doesn’t fit everyone. This is why a lot of the information you find on the internet doesn’t work as well as it could.
At PranaSpirit Nutrition & Wellness we use a blend of integrative and functional nutrition and yoga therapies to help our clients become free to enjoy life with energy.
As Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and Yoga teachers and therapists based in Santa Monica, California with an affiliate office in New York, we help our clients experience a way of managing their well-being with nutrition that’s effective, practical, healing and puts them back in control.
It's time to get to the bottom of your unwanted symptoms once and for all. Stop with the quick fixes and find lasting solutions.
A unique integrative nutrition approach allows me to guide you to find the right balance and achieve your goals.
Let go of the suffering. Experience freedom to choose your future instead of being limited by ill health.
Mind, Body, Gut Nutrition Nirvana package

The Mind, Body, Gut Nutrition Nirvana package is the perfect way to concentrate on your health and see lasting changes to your wellbeing.
Over 3 months we work together on a plan that’s tailored to your unique concerns. Allowing you to achieve the results you’re searching for.
Resolve your symptoms so you can feel good again
- 3 month package
- 90-minute kick-off Zoom call
- Five 60-minute review sessions
- One yoga/breathing/meditation session with personalized mantra/affirmation OR extra nutrition session
- One functional nutrition test and analysis with a debriefing session (included as one of the 5 sessions). *
- In between session email support on weekdays.
- Weekly accountability food-activity-mindful eating journal (reviewed by Ilene)
- Recipe board
- Access to the PranaSpirit Nutrition & Wellness LLC library of nutrition resources
- 15% discount on nutrition supplements and free shipping on orders over $50
- One extra special topic training. Choose from Virtual Grocery Tour, Virtual Pantry Cleanout, Cooking Demonstration

Let's talk about how we can transform your life
- "Good health begins in the gut and plays a key role in natural immunity."
- Rick Rockhill
Don’t feel stuck with less than the best health
Fill in the Inquiry Form
Share your story, and we’ll talk you through how we can work together.
Plan your way forward
You can start your journey with a virtual online session with Ilene or Michele.
Feel free
Wellness is within your reach with personalized, integrative nutrition therapy.