
What is the Most Accurate Way to Test for Food Sensitivities?

Prana Food Sensitivity Image

If you have unexplained symptoms or GI distress after eating certain foods, you may be dealing with food sensitivities.

A food sensitivity can cause an adverse reaction inside your body. Which can then create further complications if left untreated. 

This is why it is important to take a reliable food sensitivity test to get down to the root cause of your issues. 

Which leads us to the question, 

What IS the most accurate way to test for food sensitivities?

Keep reading to learn more about what a food sensitivity is and the most accurate way to find out if you have any! 

If you haven’t already, make sure to check out my latest blog post that talks about the Panchakarma cleanse I recently finished. You won’t want to miss this one!


What is a Food Sensitivity?

Le’ts take a second to dive deeper into what a food sensitivity is.

A food or food chemical sensitivity is an inflammatory reaction to certain foods. These reactions are not allergic reactions (usually mediated by IgE antibodies) and aren’t autoimmune (like celiac disease).

They involve specific pathways in your immune system and can contribute to chronic inflammation and other related conditions.

Conditions where food sensitivities can play a primary role:

  • IBS & IBD
  • Migraine
  • Fibromyalgia
  • GERD
  • Arthritis
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Skin conditions (psoriasis, eczema)
  • And more! 

When inflammation occurs after eating certain foods, mediators are released and symptoms begin to develop. 

Oftentimes with clients when we see symptoms that won’t resolve or go away with traditional nutritional treatment, we encourage you to get a food sensitivity test! 

This will give a better look into your diet and how diet-induced inflammation may be causing your symptoms. 


How to Test for Food Sensitivities

I will be the first to say this- unfortunately, not all food sensitivity tests are created equal! 

With so many different options on the market, it can be hard as a consumer to know what is the most reliable and accurate way to test for food sensitivities. 

After all, you don’t want to waste your time and money! 

Different food sensitivity tests and brands use different methods of collecting data from a blood sample to see how your body reacts to foods. 

Like I said earlier- not every method is created equal. Certain food sensitivity tests are shown by research to be more accurate and reliable!

Here at Pranaspirt Nutrition & Wellness, we only use and trust the Mediator Release Test (MRT) + Lifestyle Eating And Performance (LEAP) eating plan for diagnosing and treating food sensitivities. 

It allows us to tailor a structured food and reintroduction diet especially for you. 


The Most Reliable Way to Test: MRT + LEAP

Mediator Release Test (MRT)

Mediator Release Test or MRT is the most reliable and accurate way to test for food sensitivities. 

The test uses what is called mediator release technology that can identify food sensitivities to over 170 foods and food additives/chemicals. 

Yes, that’s right, you can be sensitive to food additives just the same way you can be sensitive to foods! Which is a huge benefit of the MRT versus other food sensitivity tests.

The process works in a few steps:

  • An MRT kit is sent to you, you collect a blood sample, and send it back to the lab
  • The lab processes your sample and identifies your immune reactions to certain foods
  • It categorizes the foods as:
    • Sensitive” foods or foods where you have the most reaction
    • Safe” foods or foods where you have the least reaction

Then after we get the results, we will work together to implement the LEAP eating plan. 


Lifestyle Eating And Performance (LEAP)

LEAP is an integrative meal plan that is meant to be followed after the MRT is complete. 

Only LEAP-certified therapists are qualified to implement this eating plan. Good thing for you, we have LEAP-certified therapists here at PranaSpirit! 

LEAP is meant to be personalized to you, making sure to include meals that you enjoy. All while being mindful of your most and least reactive foods.

After following the MRT + LEAP protocol, many patients have seen a significant improvement in their symptoms and conditions. The results are life-changing!


The Takeaway

As a registered dietitian nutritionist and functional healthcare practitioner, I truly believe in getting to the core of your signs and symptoms. This usually involves a full body, or holistic approach.

Oftentimes nutrition testing, like food sensitivity testing, helps us dive deeper into what is going on inside your body. 

If after reading this you have or are thinking this may be a good fit for you, don’t hesitate to reach out. For more information about my nutrition testing services including MRT + LEAP, head over to this link today

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