
Understanding Food Sensitivity Symptoms: Ask the RD

Understanding Food Sensitivity Symptoms: Ask the RD

Do you need help understanding food sensitivity symptoms?

Have you tried cutting out certain foods, or maybe even entire food groups, to try to relieve your symptoms? 

Food sensitivities can impact you in so many ways, including unwanted gas and bloating, and even skin problems and migraines. 

In today’s article, we’ll be going through common symptoms of food sensitivities and what you should do if you finally want relief from your symptoms. 

Do you want to learn about the most accurate way to test for food sensitivities? Check out our recent blog! 

What are Food Sensitivities 

Food sensitivities can be defined as any reaction to consuming food that causes discomfort or unwanted symptoms. 

There are a few different foods that commonly cause issues, and they all have a range of different symptoms. 

Here are 3: 

  • Gluten: Individuals often have similar symptoms to Celiac disease, but don’t actually have it. These symptoms can include gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort and fatigue. 
  • FODMAPs: Foods high in FODMAPs are wheat, garlic, some fruits, legumes, and onions. FODMAP is a long acronym that represents a group of carbohydrates that can cause GI symptoms because they can be poorly absorbed in the small intestine which leads to them being fermented in the colon by bacteria. This process causes gas, abdominal pain and other symptoms. 
  • Histamine: Some bodies have a difficult time breaking down histamine-rich foods. These include cheeses, certain drinks, and fermented foods. Symptoms can include headaches, hives, and congestion. 

As you can see, different substances can cause irritation in certain individuals when the body is unable to digest and process them properly. 

Understanding Food Sensitivity Symptoms: Wide Range of Symptoms 

Food sensitivities are challenging to understand and diagnose fully. Especially when it comes to understanding food sensitivity symptoms.

There are a diverse amount of symptoms that can vary based on each unique individual. 

Not only can symptoms be different from person to person, but they can also affect different body systems. 

Some of the different body systems that food sensitivities can affect are the GI system, skin, central nervous system, and more. In the next sections, we will be covering a few. 

Gastrointestinal Symptoms

Do you suffer from bloating or gas after meals? 

You may be experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms due to a food sensitivity. GI symptoms are some of the most common symptoms people struggle with. 

And trust me… I know the pain and discomfort you’re going through, and it is possible to get the answers you’re searching for. 

Here are some common GI symptoms of food sensitivities: 

  • Abdominal pain: This is a more general term used to describe any discomfort, such as a dull pain, cramping, or sharp pains in the stomach area. 
  • Gas: Excessive gas after meals can happen when the food is poorly digested, so it’s fermented by gut bugs. 
  • Bloating: If your stomach feels swollen, hard, and blown up after you eat, this is referred to as bloating.
  • Diarrhea: Food sensitivities may lead to loose stool or diarrhea, which is often accompanied by malabsorption of nutrients. 
  • Nausea: Another symptom of food sensitivities is feeling uneasy or nauseous after eating, which can be caused by the disrupted motility of the gut. 
  • Acid reflux: Acid reflux and heartburn are common symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and are often increased due to food sensitivities. 

Of course, these symptoms don’t cover all of the GI symptoms caused by food sensitivities, but they are some of the more common ones. 

Skin Symptoms 

Who would’ve thought that food sensitivities, which originate in the gut, could affect your skin too?!

Here are some examples: 

  • Eczema: Some people with eczema find that certain foods cause their symptoms of red, itchy skin, to flair up. 
  • Acne: People often report that certain foods worsen their acne. Some of the common ones include dairy and high sugar foods, alcohol, and chocolate. 
  • Irritation and Rashes: Even though food sensitivities aren’t considered allergies, they can still cause allergy-like symptoms such as skin rashes. 

Food sensitivities and skin health have a complicated relationship, and it’s important to note that it’s different for everyone. Not everybody with food sensitivities will experience symptoms that affect the skin. 

Headache and Migraine 

Headaches and migraines can also absolutely be caused by food sensitivities. Again, not everyone will experience these symptoms. 

The reasons that food sensitivities cause these symptoms are complex and not fully understood. 

However, some of the reasons include an inflammatory response, histamine release, and a change in hormones. 

Energy Levels & Fatigue

Do you feel like you’re always tired and struggling to find the energy and motivation to do daily tasks? 

You’re not alone, and this can be caused by your body working overtime fighting the response that certain foods cause. 

Here’s how food sensitivities can lower energy levels: 

  • Inflammation: An inflammatory response is often triggered, which can be really energy-consuming, especially if it’s chronic. 
  • Malabsorption: When your body doesn’t absorb certain foods, it might not have the nutrients it needs to carry out certain cellular functions, especially energy metabolism. Vitamins and minerals are needed for your body to create and use them as energy. 
  • Digestive Discomfort: Food sensitivities can make it difficult to perform normal digestive functions. When it’s more challenging to digest and absorb foods, the body uses more energy. 

Symptoms caused by food sensitivities can be so draining, and it’s important to work with a healthcare professional, like a dietitian, to identify these sensitivities and create a game plan moving forward so you can feel your best. 

What Should I Do If I Think I Have Food Sensitivities?

If you believe you suffer from food sensitivities, the best thing you can do is work with a professional. 

Food sensitivities are complicated, and symptoms can be intertwined with each other. Identifying food triggers isn’t easy.

Symptoms range from GI to skin to headaches. A lot of these are often symptoms for other conditions as well… so you can see where it gets a little tricky. 

Have you tried cutting out certain foods, maybe even entire food groups? 

Instead of experimenting on your own, consider working with a registered dietitian who is trained to identify these triggers and create a treatment plan for you. 

Understanding Food Sensitivity Symptoms: The Takeaway

Let me help you get to the core of your symptoms!

As a registered dietitian nutritionist and integrative and functional healthcare practitioner, I truly believe in getting to the core of your signs and symptoms. This involves a whole-body holistic approach.

Integrative and functional medicine allows us to see the full picture of your health to create a personalized plan to help your hormonal imbalances and any other symptoms you’re struggling with.

Oftentimes, as women, it can feel like food is working against us. It’s time we get it to work WITH us! 

If you’re ready to work with me, head over to this link today! There is no better time to invest in your health.

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